
The function of this class is to set or change the owner of a settlement.


Here is a list of functions that detail different ways a settlement can change ownership:

  • ApplyByDefault(Herohero,Settlementsettlement) - Called at the start of a campaign or when a player cheats to attain a settlement

  • ApplyByKingDecision(Herohero,Settlementsettlement)

  • ApplyBySiege(HeronewOwner,HerocapturerHero,Settlementsettlement)

  • ApplyByRevolt(Herohero,Settlementsettlement)

  • ApplyByLeaveFaction(Herohero,Settlementsettlement)

  • ApplyByBarter(Herohero,Settlementsettlement)

  • ApplyByRemoveFaction(Settlementsettlement)

  • ApplyByDestroyClan(Settlementsettlement,HeronewOwner) - Called when owner of settlement dies, when this happens, the fief is passed to a random child of the previous owner

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