
Parent Node

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  • None


MeleeWeapon | RangedWeapon | HasString | StringHeldByHand | NotUsableWithOneHand | TwoHandIdleOnMount | AutoReload | UnloadWhenSheathed | PenaltyWithShield | WideGrip | CantReloadOnHorseback | Consumable | UseHandAsThrowBase | AmmoSticksWhenShot | MultiplePenetration | Burning | LeavesTrail | CanPenetrateShield | MissileWithPhysics | AmmoCanBreakOnBounceBack | AffectsArea | AmmoBreaksOnBounceBack | AttachAmmoToVisual | CanBlockRanged | HasHitPoints

  • MeleeWeapon

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon is a melee weapon

  • RangedWeapon

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon is a ranged weapon

  • HasString

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the ranged weapon has a string. Should be set to true for both Bows and Crossbows

  • StringHeldByHand

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the string is held by hand. Should be set to true with Bows

  • NotUsableWithOneHand

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon cannot be used in 1 hand

  • TwoHandIdleOnMount

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true This is set to true with most bows and crossbows. TODO: figure out what this exactly does.

  • AutoReload

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If set to false an action is required to reload the weapon. (crossbows)

  • UnloadWhenSheathed

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon should remove any loaded projectile when sheathed

  • PenaltyWithShield

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon has a damage penalty when using with shield

  • WideGrip

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true TODO: figure out what this does

  • CantReloadOnHorseback

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon can be reloaded on horseback

  • Consumable

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon can be consumed. Set to true for arrows and throwables.

  • UseHandAsThrowBase

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon is thrown from the hand

  • AmmoSticksWhenShot

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true TODO: figure out what this exactly does

  • MultiplePenetration

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the projectile can pierce through multiple entities

  • Burning

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the projectile is on fire. TODO: figure out if this also inflicts fire damage, or sets fire to stuff

  • LeavesTrail

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the weapon leaves a trail. TODO: figure out what this exactly does

  • CanPenetrateShield

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If the projectile can penetrate a shield

  • MissileWithPhysics

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If physics are attached to a projectile. TODO: figure out if this is used to damage props as well.

  • AmmoCanBreakOnBounceBack

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true TODO: figure out what this exactly does

  • AffectsArea

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true TODO: figure out if this is AOE damage?

  • AmmoBreaksOnBounceBack

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true TODO: figure out what this exactly does

  • AttachAmmoToVisual

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true TODO: figure out what this exactly does

  • CanBlockRanged

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If an item can block projectiles (shields)

  • HasHitPoints

    类型: boolean 接受值: 'true', 'false' 例子: true If an item has hitpoints (shields)

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