This class is used to handle tournaments, their participants, and the inherent setup. to modify some of the behaviours, a Harmony patch might be required.
NOTE: This page is incomplete, so if you find anymore information on the subject, please create a pull request and add to this growing Modding Documentation!
Accessible Methods:
protected TournamentGame(Town town, ItemObject prize = null)
protected TournamentGame(Town town, ItemObject prize = null)
Internal method called after AddTournament and CreateTournament to set up the prize.
Accessible Attributes:
public const int ParticipantNumber
public const int ParticipantNumber
The number of participants, currently hardcoded to 16 but patcheable.
GET public Town Town
public Town Town
The settlement where the TournamentGame is happening.
GET public CampaignTime CreationTime
public CampaignTime CreationTime
The creation time of the TournamentGame.
GET/SET public QualificationMode Mode
public QualificationMode Mode
The qualification mode, Either 'TeamScore' or 'IndividualScore', modifiable.
GET public virtual int MaxTeamSize
public virtual int MaxTeamSize
The maximum size of a team in every stage of the tournament.
GET public virtual int MaxTeamNumberPerMatch
public virtual int MaxTeamNumberPerMatch
The maximum number of teams per match in every stage of the tournament.
GET public ItemObject Prize
public ItemObject Prize
The prize of the tournament.
GET public virtual float TournamentWinRenown
public virtual float TournamentWinRenown
The renown gained for winning the tournament.
GET public static List<CharacterObject> GetParticipantCharacters( Settlement settlement, int maxParticipantCount, bool includePlayer = true, bool includeHeroes = true )
public static List<CharacterObject> GetParticipantCharacters( Settlement settlement, int maxParticipantCount, bool includePlayer = true, bool includeHeroes = true )
This method defines, when a tournament starts, the participants. Called when a player joins a tournament or a tournament is simulated.
public abstract TextObject GetMenuText()
public abstract TextObject GetMenuText()
This method defines the text on the menu when joining a tournament.
public abstract void OpenMission( Settlement settlement, bool isPlayerParticipating )
public abstract void OpenMission( Settlement settlement, bool isPlayerParticipating )
This method is called when starting a tournament, wether simulated or with player participation.
public void PrepareForTournamentGame( bool isPlayerParticipating )
public void PrepareForTournamentGame( bool isPlayerParticipating )
This method is called when starting a tournament, wether simulated or with player participation.
Example usage:
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